Sunday, January 31, 2010

Intro and 1st Chapter

The introduction the My Word! by Susan D. Blum introduced us to the writer and the case study the book would be following. Four interviewers and 234 interviewees would be giving us insight into the plagiarism and how it has wiggled its way into newspaper headlines, offense charges, and the overall college experience. Chapter one goes into the definition of plagiarism and its roots. It portrays plagiarism as an evil triangle and outlines the fuzzy lines that under which the professionals categorize plagiarism. The first form they conclude is a student's willingness to take anothers words or ideas use them as their own the suffice say an essay assignment. The second is a student's lack of know-how when it comes to citation and a few uncredited sentences lands them in the hot seat. The third seems like the most evil and it involves nasty old writers who steal someone else's hard work and sells it as their own for a dirty profit. This somewhat answered my question as to what exactly the term plagiarism covered and what it defined. That is until I began the very next paragraph which continued to state that beyond these examples that what is considered plagiarized is a bit unclear. So they covered their bases and concluded with "Cite your sources." I don't exactly know who wrote the book on plagiarism but if I could get a table of contents to tell me exactly what plagiarism covers that would be a real help. Besides all of my complaining I think I am actually going to read this book. It seems interesting since it deals with those who are attending college like me!

1 comment:

  1. It would be nice if a clear-cut definition of what does and does not constitute plagiarism in any given situation existed! The thing is, different writing situations are, well, different. What is "common knowledge" (not needing citation) to one audience might not be common knowledge at all to a different audience, for example. We'll talk about this more as the class goes on.
